Blade R
JoinedTopics Started by Blade R
MANUAL!--2020-04 SFL.
by Atlantis in2020-04-addendum letter..
2020-04 shepherd the flock of god elder manual.
Violation of the data protection law in Spain. GDPR
by Blade R inaccording to the resolution of the data protection agency, the information was used for other purposes than those authorized.. the data protection agency has imposed a fine of 10,000 euros to jehovah's witnesses for collecting data from doctors and patients without prior authorization.. the religious institution has a hospital liaison committee (ceh) in each province that visits the hospitals to find out the degree of collaboration of the medical staff according to the beliefs of the jehovah's witnesses, "which is only realization of surgeries without transfusions ", is included in the resolution of the agency to which medical drafting has had access.. when compiling these data, as demonstrated by the resolution, the members of the committees overreached their duties, gathering information without requesting the relevant permission stipulated by law.
the jehovah's witnesses have filed an appeal after the ruling but it has not been accepted.. without consent.
in the document, the existence of data that have been "stored and conserved, and imply the processing of data without consent that is imputed, estimating that they are part of a file, are related as rights basics".
WT Recruiting JW Solicitors (Lawyers)
by AverageJoe1 inwe all know how much the watchtower abhors "higher education" and that apparently jehovah thinks it is a big waste of time.
at least that is their official stance.
it might come as a shock to you that this month they have started a campaign drive to actually recruit jws who have higher education, specifically those who have legal training.. with all the law suits against them for creating an environment that is friendly to paedophiles, it is thus no wonder that they are in need of solicitors, especially those who are sympathetic towards the cult.. talk about hypocrisy!.
Star Tribune: Jehovah's Witnesses accused of mishandling abuse in Montana
by Tahoe in
helena, mont.
— two women who say they were sexually abused as children have alleged that the jehovah's witnesses failed to report their abuser to authorities in montana and instead punished him internally by expelling him from the congregation until he repented the following year.. a trial begins monday in the tiny city of thompson falls for one of dozens of lawsuits filed nationwide in the last decade over claims of child sexual abuse in jehovah's witness congregations.
NT citations and allusions to Apocrypha
by Doug Mason indocuments produced during the second temple period included writings such as 1 enoch, jubilees, and sirach.
apostle paul lived during the very late stage of that period.the first century jews, including those who accepted jesus as the promised messiah, regarded these writings very highly.this list provides the locations in the new testament documents that either cite or allude to these second temple writings.. .
Blade Runner mentioned in the Watchtower
by ThomasCovenant incan anyone remember or point me to a quote in either the watchtower or awake where they spoke adversely about some of the violent scenes in the original blade runner film.
Carta sobre productos de limpieza a nivel mundial??
by Blade R inan exanciano informs me that in spain a letter has been read to the congregations informing that the purchase of cleaning products for the salons will be done worldwide.
can anyone confirm that?.
can someone supply the letter that reports that?.
Personal Data Permission (Spain)
by paradiseseeker ini had the meeting yesterday and there it was announced that there will be a new law passed in spain regarding personal data.
that law makes it compulsory for the wt spanish branch to collect a signed permission from the publishers to keep and utilize personal data.
no choice was given to us, we were just told to make sure we hand in our signed permissions before may 18th.